In wonderful Gougane Barra

A sound journey to listen to and engage with through:
nature concerts, yoga, Qi Gong, voice flow, meditation, gentle sensing and perceiving.


Ireland  is  traditionally  known  for  its  ancient  wisdom  and  musicality, connected with the forces of nature. The beautiful Gougane Barra Forest, West Cork, invites you to connect with this.

Nature and Sound support you in being present. Without the turmoil of the mind. In the here and now. From your heart, open, without expectations and interpretations. So deeper layers may resound from Nature and empower your natural state of being.

In this direct contact we want to be consciously present,
in connection with the participants and other observing beings.

PROGRAM PRICE including food and drinks € 242,50

Concerten in Nederland en Duitsland

De Sounds with Nature klank-concerten vinden elke maand plaats. Meer info:

Levenskracht zorgt dat je je vitaal, energiek en geïnspireerd voelt. Op deze website vind je informatie hoe je dit in jezelf vrijmaakt. Vanuit een integrale aanpak, zodat alle vermo- gens van jouw complete mens-zijn worden aangesproken. Als natuurlijke basis van je ‘doen en laten’.

De categorieën

–> Artikelen & Storytelling
–> Holding Space (1)

–> Waar gaat levenskracht over? (3)
–> Innerlijke Balans (5)
–> Innerlijke Finetuning (5)
–> Hoofd-Hart-Hara (2)
–> Thuis in jezelf (5)


May 1, Friday evening
Introduction and Initiation; Yoga exercises; Concert ‘Sounds with Nature’

May 2, Saturday morning
Morning meditation with Qi Qong; workshop ‘Subtle sound awareness’ (vowel sounds and consonants); Nature meditation ‘connecting with ancient Ireland’

May 2, Saturday afternoon
Heart in Nature walk (walking into your natural state of being); joined sound meditation

May 2, Saturday evening
Evening yoga; Shamanic Breathing (profound breathing exercises); Concert ‘Sounds with Nature’

May 3, Sunday morning
Morning meditation with Qi Gong; workshop ‘Subtle sound awareness’; Rounding up

Professionally trained guitarist, yoga and Qi Gong teacher Frank Schagen
Frank is a specialist in environmental hygiene; he works as a guitarist, performer, yoga and Qi Gong teacher. He plays gentle and intense with unexpected rhythms and tunes, that are deeply felt and harmonizing. He facilitates Yoga and Qi Gong exercises, the sound meditations and sound concerts.

Professionally trained singer and philosopher, shaman and sound specialist Eric van Grootel, Bearclaw 
Eric works as a teacher, performer, director, choir conductor and author in many countries. Bearclaw is his shaman name. He masters subtle sound awareness and the energetic aspects of voice and language sounds. Eric facilitates the workshop ‘Subtle sound awareness’, shamanic breathing (powerful and deep breathing exercises) , the sound meditations and sound concerts.

Specialist in holding space and facilitator of guided meditations, Yael 
Yael is inspirator, spaceholder and writer; and she works part-time in a management support job. As experienced spaceholder she brings peace in space whilst creating a safe space for interconnectedness and enabling all to be present as it is. She facilitates the nature meditation, the sound meditation and sound concerts; she is also space holder of this weekend and the ancient consciousness of nature.

Specialist in listening to your heart, Marieke Bosman; main organizer of this event.
Marieke is a professional teacher and social worker; she also works as heart inspirator empowering people to listen to their heart from her company called Heartfelt Connections. Marieke facilitates the Heart in Nature walk (harmonizing body, mind, heart and soul). Living in Ireland she is the main organizer of this event.

The concerts ‘Sounds with Nature’  
Connect with yourself and nature. Experience the different cultures and energies that are expressed through the different instruments. Follow the sounds of the music and be open to the experiences that present themselves, even if you partly understand them. When we experience the journey in our own unique way, we enrich each other.

As musicians we are servant to perceiving. From here we sound and confirm the present beings in their existence, in an interactive way, in direct contact. Nature beings gave us the following four themes: perceiving nature beings, affirming existence, acting and stand up for it.

REGISTRATION also Marieke Bosman & +353894245242
PROGRAM INFO & +3163086824